Fortieth Math Webinar in English

The fortieth Math Webinar in English took place on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 from 5 pm until 6 pm with Theodora Chen, Digital Forensic Officer at the British Transport Police, as our invited speaker. This virtual event was free and open to the general public.

In this fortieth Math Webinar in English, Theodora Chen presented on “Forensic Evidence in Court: What Can You Prove?” The speaker explained the different types of forensic evidence and in particular, described fingerprint evidence, DNA evidence and digital forensic evidence. Theodora Chen mentioned various concrete examples of the issue between explanation, particularly if it involves probability and statistics, and interpretation when evidence is presented in court. The speaker also introduced the different types of bias, such as unitentional stereotype bias, confirmation bias and contextual bias. This virtual event was co-organized by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA).

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