The thirty-eighth Virtual Encounter with Outstanding Mathematicians took place on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022 from 4 pm until 5 pm. Angelica Trejo, math teacher in basic and intermediate levels in Mexico, was our invited speaker. This virtual event was free and open to the general public.
On this thirty-eighth Encounter, Angelica Trejo shared anecdotes of her personal life and her professional journey as a female mathematician. The speaker also presented on “The Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence.” In this virtual event, Angelica Trejo explained what the golden ratio is and made an experiment that used paper, a pencil, a tape measure and a calculator. The speaker then defined the Fibonacci sequence and described its relation with the golden ratio. Angelica Trejo also showed examples of the Fibonacci sequence in the human body, in nature, in art, in architecture, in graphic design, among others.