The Webinar on Escapades of Professors, Gods and Mathemagicians took place on Thursday, July 21st, 2022 from 4 pm until 5 pm with Gasde Augusto Hunedy Lopez, Yesenia Villicaña Molina, Alejandro Yustiaza Ulloa Serrano, Richard Nicolas Chacon Serna and Eduardo Lopez Bolaños from the Tamarindo / PiQ2 group as our invited speakers. This virtual event was free and open to the general public.
The Tamarindo / PiQ2 group is a group of diverse scientists who are also playwrights and with theater, they have found multiple ways to communicate and transmit their passion for mathematics. This theater play was created especially for FUNDAPROMAT in which four gods help a professor discover how fantastic and fun mathematics is through a trip to pre-Hispanic America. The Tamarindo / PiQ2 group surprised the audience with their acts full of humor and incredible mathemagic tricks.