Webinar on Reflections of the Pandemic and Preparations for the Future

The Webinar on Reflections of the Pandemic and Preparations for the Future took place on Thursday, July 22nd, 2021 from 5 pm until 7 pm, as our invited speaker. Sandra Lopez-Verges, Researcher at the Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies. This virtual event was free and open to the general public.

The invited speaker presented on the emerging viruses and highlighted the factors that facilitate the emergence of the virus. Dr. Sandra Lopez-Verges mentioned various lessons that the pandemic has left in Panama, including the importance of foresight and the challenges on biosecurity that we face. The speaker also made several recommendations on how we can better prepare ourselves for future pandemics and answered the questions and doubts of the participants about COVID-19. This virtual event was co-organized by the Panamanian Association for the Advancement of Science (APANAC) and the Panama Pod of 500 Women Scientists.
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